Micro-cement & Self Leveling Overlays

Discover the transformative potential of self-leveling concrete overlays. Perfect for repairing severely damaged floors or addressing issues with unevenness, our overlays offer a seamless solution for both aesthetic enhancement and practical convenience.

Types of Self-Leveling Overlays:

We offer two main types of self-leveling overlays to suit your specific needs:

  • Polishable Overlays: Ideal for those seeking a decorative finish, our polishable overlays offer a versatile solution for enhancing the look of any space.

  • Gypsum-Based Overlays: Perfect for creating a smooth underlayment for hardwood, vinyl, or tile flooring installations, our gypsum-based overlays provide convenience and reliability.

Benefits of Self-Leveling Overlays:

  • Cost-Effective: Avoid the hassle and expense of tearing out and replacing concrete floors. Our overlays offer a more budget-friendly alternative with significant cost savings.

  • Quick Turnaround: Experience minimal downtime with our efficient installation process. Most overlays are walkable within 4-6 hours, with flooring installations possible after just 24 hours.

  • Convenient Installation: Say goodbye to messy and disruptive construction. Our process is designed for minimal disruption, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.

  • Versatile Applications: Whether you're renovating a commercial space or upgrading a residential property, our self-leveling overlays provide a versatile solution for various projects.

Contact Us Today:

Ready to explore our different leveling options and discover how we can save you time and money on your project? Contact Decorative Resurfacing today to discuss your specific needs and learn more about our self-leveling concrete overlays.

Let Decorative Resurfacing help you achieve a flawless and level surface without the hassle and expense of traditional concrete replacement.